
सफलताको कथाहरू

August 13, 2021

प्रधानाध्यापकको खोर्सानी खेती

पाल्पा - सरकारी कर्मचारी अन्य पेशा तथा व्यवसायमा आवद्ध हुँदैनन् । सरकारी काममा नै समय बिताउने अधिकांश कर्मचारी साँझ बिहान...

August 3, 2021

दाजुभाइको लोभलाग्दो उद्यम

गलकोट । बागलुङ जिल्लाका काठेखोला गउँपालिका-७ रेश पीपल डाँडाका गिरी थापा र मीन थापा दुई भाइ मात्र होइनन्, पेशाका हिसाबले...

July 10, 2021

पटक–पटक असफल अन्ततः सफलतातिर

लम्की (कैलाली) असार २७ गते । कैलालीको घोडाघोडी नगरपालिका–८, तारानगरमा स्थानीय पहल देउवाले सात करोड लगानीमा बहुद्देश्यीय कृषि व्यवसाय सञ्चालनमा...

March 24, 2021

तरकारीले धानेको नमूना गाउँ ‘पित्लेक’

वालिङ । खेतबारी बाँझै राखेर बजार झर्ने पद्धतिको विकास भइरहेका बेला यहाँका स्थानीयवासी व्यावसायिक तरकारी खेतीमार्फत गाउँलाई नै नमूना बनाएका...

March 24, 2021

डेढ लाखसम्ममा पाठा बिक्ने बाख्रा पाल्दा फाइदै-फाइदा !

झापा - पछिल्लो समय युवाहरु वैदेशिक रोजगारी त्यागेर स्वदेशमै उद्यमशीलतामा रमाउन थालेका छन् । मेचीनगर नगरपालिका–१० का ४१ वर्षीय विजय...

March 20, 2021

नेपाली सेनाबाट अवकाशपछि मौरीपालनमा अब्बल

सामान्यतया जागिरे जीवनबाट बिदा भएर घर आएपछि मानिस आराम गरेर बस्ने गर्छन् । सेवाबाट अवकास लिएर घर बसेका मानिसका छोराछोरी...

March 16, 2021

महबाटै वर्षको २० लाख आम्दानी

बाँके । बाँकेको कोहलपुर नगरपालिका-६ बस्ने लीलबहादुर राणाका बाबुछोरा आजकाल मौरी चराउन बर्दियामा रहेको भोलागौडीको जंगलको छेउमा आधार चाका दिन...

March 10, 2021

घाँस बेचेर मनग्गे आम्दानी गर्दै बामदेव खनाल

तनहुँ, जिल्लाको म्याग्दे गाउँपालिका–ं १ गुणादीका बामदेव खनालले घाँस बेचेर नै मनग्य आम्दानी गर्दै आउनुभएको छ । खनाल नामसँगै दाम...

March 4, 2021

२६ वर्षको कठोर परिश्रमले देशकै अग्रणी पोल्ट्री व्यवसायी बनायो !

चितवन - निरन्तर मेहनत गर्यो भने सफलतामा पुगिन्छ भन्ने उदाहरण यहाँका व्यवसायी विनोद पोखरेलले देखाएका छन् । पूर्वी चितवनको रत्ननगरका...

Real avoided defeat because of Vinicius
March 2, 2021

Real avoided defeat because of Vinicius

Real avoided defeat because of Vinicius Returning the equalizer towards the end of the game, Vinicius Jr. saved Real from defeat...

Science has created a machine to fulfill all Desires, Aspirations and Fantasies
February 24, 2021

Science has created a machine to fulfill all Desires, Aspirations and Fantasies

Science has created a machine to fulfill all Desires, Aspirations and Fantasies You must have heard a word from the world...

Collective Potato Farming Turning Corona's Challenge Into An Opportunity
February 4, 2021

Collective Potato Farming Turning Corona's Challenge Into An Opportunity

Collective Potato Farming Turning Corona's Challenge Into An Opportunity While every profession and business in the world has been affected due...

Interesting Story Of Lamsal Brothers Who Made Robots At An Early Age
February 3, 2021

Interesting Story Of Lamsal Brothers Who Made Robots At An Early Age

Interesting Story Of Lamsal Brothers Who Made Robots At An Early Age Kapil Lamsal, 18, and his 16-year-old brother Vishal Lamsal....

How to become a successful Entrepreneur? Billionaire Binod Chaudhary gave such tips to young people to become entrepreneurs
February 2, 2021

How to become a successful Entrepreneur? Billionaire Binod Chaudhary gave such tips to young people to become entrepreneurs

How to become a successful Entrepreneur? Billionaire Binod Chaudhary gave such tips to young people to become entrepreneurs From any point...

7 Year Old Kautilya Became The Youngest Programmer In The World
January 30, 2021

7 Year Old Kautilya Became The Youngest Programmer In The World

7 Year Old Kautilya Became The Youngest Programmer In The World Kautilya Kataria of the United Kingdom has became the youngest...

Foodmandu's Online Food Fest: Service Expansion In Pokhara Along With Kathmandu, Discounts On Dishes And Entertainment
January 25, 2021

Foodmandu's Online Food Fest: Service Expansion In Pokhara Along With Kathmandu, Discounts On Dishes And Entertainment

Rabindra Dhungel The festival has started in Kathmandu Valley and Pokhara for those who choose, order and pay for restaurant dishes...

Sathi Mart Launching Nepal's First Online To Offline E-commerce
January 24, 2021

Sathi Mart Launching Nepal's First Online To Offline E-commerce

Sathi Mart Launching Nepal's First Online To Offline E-commerce Rabindra Dhungel For the first time in Nepal, online to offline (O2O) e-commerce...

Attraction Of Farmers In Commercial Turmeric Farming Has Suddenly Increased
January 22, 2021

Attraction Of Farmers In Commercial Turmeric Farming Has Suddenly Increased

Attraction Of Farmers In Commercial Turmeric Farming Has Suddenly Increased Rabindra Dhungel Farmers of Bardaghat-Susta West in Nawalparasi have been attracted to...

More Income With Less Investment:- Commercial Cultivation Of Mugwort started
January 22, 2021

More Income With Less Investment:- Commercial Cultivation Of Mugwort started

More Income With Less Investment:- Commercial Cultivation Of Mugwort started Rabindra Dhungel Commercial cultivation of fried Japanese Mugwort has been started in...

Mustangi Seeing A Golden Future In Apples
January 22, 2021

Mustangi Seeing A Golden Future In Apples

Mustangi Seeing A Golden Future In Apples Rabindra Dhungel Farmers of Mustang district across the Himalayas are busy in apple grafting at...